Thursday, August 09, 2007

Location, Location, Location

Mine is the deck of the ranger station in the Lost River State Park, watching some deer munch on the grass and stealing some wifi. Other people's locations (I know cause they've visited the blog and the blog sees all...): Bulgaria; the Netherlands; Canada; Mexico; Sweden; India; Nigeria; and various and sundry locales in the United States of America. Any of you out-of-towners wondering how hot it was in DC yesterday?

102 degrees.

Got hot here in the mountains of WV, but not that hot, thank goodness. Not so hot that we couldn't get some work done. We started framing the deck yesterday morning, and just finished up about an hour ago. Really looks terrific. Changes the elevation of the house quite a bit. I'll get some pics up over the weekend, along with a recap of the last week or so (Simplex was out to the site for punchlist stuff, Res4 came and saw the house for the first time since the set, and our friends from TV land were here too).

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