The excavators are scheduled to finish burying the conduit tomorrow, and then they'll move up to the site to begin grading. That'll make getting in and out of the house easier, and we'll be able to set up scaffolding to begin fastening the upper reaches of the siding.
We were supposed to have our electrical "inspection" on Saturday (scare quotes because all they check is the exterior meter connections and the connection at the panel). But we had to push it off cause our contractor didn't set the meter socket on Friday like he promised. Not too big a deal, but I can't get the power company to begin the process of getting power to our site until that's done (and with the conduit just about in we're almost ready for power to be connected).
The well folks should be out this week to finish their connections (they brought the water line into the basement last week; now they need to install the pressure tank). Lumber for the deck and framing the basement will come this week after grading is finished and we have someplace to put it. We should pour footers for the deck posts this week. Concrete polishers come next Monday to do the basement floor.
I'm out at the site for the next couple of days.
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