That's 2x2 aluminum angle from Home Depot. (John Kim at Res4, when I asked him exactly what they were envisioning for the flashing to cover the light fixtures, directed me to the exact aisle in Home Depot where these could be found. THAT is the kind of expertise you're looking for from your architect.) The fixtures should probably be located a little further toward the front of the cabinet, but I didn't have much wire to work with. They look great (though they're fluorescents and have a bit of a hum).
And as an aside, turns out I had no idea how to spell fluorescent. U then O. Who knew.
I used aluminum angle extrusions, too, to conceal our under-cabinet fluorescents. I don't know if you're finished, but I did a miter at the cabinet corners to return the trim to the wall so that you don't see the fixtures from the side. I'm assuming you have access to a miter saw. The aluminum takes machining so well; you get a very tight, good-looking joint. I have pictures if you'd like to see how mine turned out.
Thanks, Brandon, some pics would be great (lostrivermodern AT gmail DOT com). I'm not finished - we actually weren't sure we liked the look, so I just punched two screws through to get an idea. Mitered turns back to the wall above the range make perfect sense. How fine a blade should I be cutting the metal with? I think the finest I have is a 60.
Did you caulk/glue the metal in addition to fastening it? I can see that I'll be getting a little light sneaking through...
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